Friday, March 21, 2008

NSR is the sweetest acronym I know

Normal sinus rhythm.
It means Victor's heart is beating regularly. Slower. Normally.

And that makes my heart glad.

I've heard from many of you, wondering how my sweet Victor is doing these days. And I am happy - ecstatic actually - to report that he's actually ... better!

Bless his cardiologist who refused to give up on his theory that the entire cardiac weakness was the result of Victor's heart growing weary of beating reeeeeeeeally fast for a reeeeeeeeeally long time.

I was skeptical.

Now I'm a believer.

We're lucky that Miracle-Man suit still fits Victor to a T.


I know this reprieve may have a limited life. Things might get worse. But why focus on THAT? I want to pay attention to the 98 percent of life that IS working. And there's a lot of positive stuff going on.

Thank you for your concern. Thank you for your prayers, your healing energy and your warm thoughts.

They helped. A lot.